Towards gas heating the inductive preheating has several benefits for weld seams.The influence of the heat energy acts direct to the work piece and is reproducible and controllable. LEIFERT INDUCTION provides special designed generators and induction coils which prove itself in practice.Mehr erfahren ...

Wind power
Different kinds of work pieces for manufacturing of windmills need to be heated. The advanced air cooled middle frequency induction systems from LEIFERT INDUCTION have set a standard in the European wind branch. Mehr erfahren ...

The company LEIFERT INDUCTION provides first class products for mounting and dismounting of inner bearing rings and labyrinth rings. Mehr erfahren ...

Steel industry
Preservation of high quality investment goods is always a big theme in steel and rolling mills. The induction heating technology is predestinated for the dismounting operation of shrink fits from rollers and shafts. Thanks to the innovative induction equipment tools from LEIFERTINDUCTION the period of inactivity and the maintenance intervals will be reduced. Mehr erfahren ...

LEIFERT INDUCTION provides inductive heating systems to famous producers and maintenance companies in the area of aircraft technology. For the aircraft industry it is very important to ensure high quality in the process of production with controlled and exactly repeatable processes. Due to this reason inductive heating systems will be implemented at aircraft and maintenance companies more often.Mehr erfahren ...

The requirements of extremely short cycle times in the area of automotive production is calling for modern technology. The innovative induction equipment from LEIFERT INDUCTION is able to put the heat well directed into complex shaped work pieces, so that assembly processes will be accelerated. Mehr erfahren ...

Printing industry
LEIFERT INDUCTION supplies leading manufacturer of print rollers. The radial run out of the print rollers will be defined by the manufacturing process of the blanks. As a basis for controlled and repeatable manufacturing process the induction heating fulfill all requirements. Mehr erfahren ...